Additional Resources
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Did you know between 20-25% of female students and 1 in 16 male students experience an assault during their college years?
Please join the Offices of Institutional Equity and Counseling Services to learn about the rights and resources of individuals who have experienced a sexual assault from the local and campus professionals. Guests include Madeline Bogan from Albion Fellows Bacon Center, Emily Hall from the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor's Office, Jessica Cannon from the Deaconess Health System, Jason Cullum the Chief of the Office of Public Safety, Jennifer Hargus a clinical social worker with UE Counseling Services, Annie Shackelford the Assistant Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator at UE as they discuss how they work with individuals who have experienced an assault, tips for friends and family members of individuals who have experienced an assault, and what local resources are available. Additionally, join Shackelford in speaking with EPD sex crimes detective Stacy Spaulding* from Holly's House discuss the process the police use when working with individuals who have experienced an assault.
*Transcript available for Stacy Spaulding video is available upon request
Sexual Assault Awareness Panel
- Sexual Assault Awareness Panel 2020 (Recorded Zoom Meeting on March 31, 2020)
- Stacy Spauling, Evansville Police Department (Recorded Zoom Meeting on April 1, 2020)
Domestic Violence Awareness Newsletters
- October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – October 5, 2020
- If You Are Experiencing Domestic Abuse – October 12, 2020
- Defining Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault – December 19, 2020
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 118, Olmsted Administration Hall